October 20, 2011
This morning we had a devotion talking about practicing the presence of God and did visual prayer with our prayer focus being that God would reveal His presence in greater measure to us. It was a good time of prayer and sharing.
Ale and Sandra picked us up to take the team to downtown Puebla for a sightseeing trip. We stopped at the main plaza in downtown Puebla at the cathedral and toured it. Then the whole team got on a tour bus and sat on the top deck in the sun and went on a tour throughout the city of Puebla and saw many churches and beautiful tile buildings. The bus went up to the fort where the Cinco de Mayo battle was fought. After the tour, we walked over to the shopping area and spent a while shopping for souvenirs and took the van back to the home for lunch.
In the afternoon, we had our last session of visual prayer. The kids all drew circles on their paper and then prayed for an experience of the presence of God. They recorded the images in the circle and then wrote about what God was telling them through the picture.
After the prayer exercise, each child was able to choose from three activities: making a fleece pillow, learning to draw a moving picture book or dancing Zumba to worship music. The kids had a great time at all the activities! All afternoon kids were walking around holding their pillows and were so excited to have a second soft pillow. The drawing group got into it and was still drawing when we had to leave. They drew all kinds of pictures and then a couple of the kids asked Doranna to draw portraits of them. By the end of the day, most of the kids had tried Zumba. They got right into it and were following teacher Karen with great enthusiasm!
This evening after dinner, Kate, Rene and Sammy came over to talk to us about what God has been sharing with them of late. They read some verses in Romans and Kate talked about God’s grace and how we can share just a portion of what God has been so kind to share with us. Rene talked about how to be real, while striving to be obedient, but being honest about where we fall. It was a blessing to have them visit.
It's kind of neat seeing the kids work on their pillows, only because I helped Susan cut and prepare the material for the project prior to departing for Mexico. :o) Nancy