Monday, October 21, 2013

River Rock Church

Saturday was a huge game day.  Not only did we have relays with the kids – it rained so hard in the late afternoon we couldn’t leave the tent and HAD to stay and play games. Karlin made Lissa go dance in the rain… In the morning we got to have a special movie time watching Lion King. Lissa, who was the only person in the entire world who had not seen the Lion King, thought it was very cute, especially when all the kids sang along.

For our game day, we had relays, including one where the kids had to pop balloons by sitting on them. Some of the smaller ones had to jump especially hard to get their balloons to pop. During the demonstration of the 3 legged race, Dawnette and Nancy rocked, while Karlin and Bren fell on their on their faces – or how not to do the three legged race. Everyone received a prize bag with candies, cards and toys and bargaining ensued.

Holly learned what it would be like to have 10 children, when she came out with the kites. All the kids were running around going “Papalote, papalote, me, me, me!”  Now we all know the word for kite really well. The kids flew kites until the thunderstorm came and reluctantly gave it up.

Doranna, Dawnette and Karlin had a drawing time, thinking they’d have one table full of kids and ended up with 3. There are many excellent artists here.

Today, Sunday, we are going to church and then on an outing to Cholula to have lunch, see the pyramid and church and do some shopping. Tonight is the “Despedida” the Goodbye ceremony with the kids. We have a human puppet show to share with the kids.  When the kids say their goodbyes, everyone will cry (except for Susan) but we are all so blessed to have had this week with the kids.

Written by the whole team!

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