Thursday, October 17, 2013

River Rock Team


Tonight I look like Shirley Temple.  This is the result of girl’s teen night and Karlin’s talent with a curling iron.  We ladies had a great time with the teen girls. Doranna and Dawnette washed the girls feet and said blessings over each girl and then they had their nails painted and hair styled by the rest of us.  The teen boys spent the evening with Lee and Dan watching the much awaited Iron Man 3 movie. Sweet treats in the form of ice cream with yummy toppings were had by all.  We introduced them to Butter Fingers and it was a great hit!

Earlier in the day we continued our work projects, which involved grounds keeping, gardening, and sewing as well as the teeth cleaning project. We are working our way through repairing the uniforms and are almost finished with that. The gardeners moved from the clearing around the shade trees to tidying up the Garden of Hope.

After lunch, Ryan (who is in charge of construction) gave us a tour of the community center under construction. It is going to be a great place for the kids to be able to eat and do activities indoors in the cold and rainy seasons and also for the whole Living Hope community to gather.  The construction crew is putting up tile right now.

Today’s Beatitude was mercy. Doranna and Holly illustrated God’s mercy toward us with the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son. The kids acted them out with skits and were quite entertaining running around with their sheep and pig masks on the rest of the afternoon.  They also had 5 different opportunities to make gifts to give to others to show compassion and mercy – ranging from a candy necklace to snacks to an encouraging card. The kids are great at sharing with each other and with us, so it’s great fun to see them do these activities.

Written by Lissa 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great pictures. The team is missed at home but the rewards of being there are much greater.
